Wednesday 27 November 2013

Double Exposure on Film

Double exposure using film.
Using a film camera we visited local well known buildings within my local area, both outdoors and indoors.

I really like the splitting effect on this image as it gives a contrasts and almost splits the image into two.

This particular image is very interesting as it has good light qualities within sections of the image, which I think works really well.

This image has a very busy look as there are many things happening within this image which speaks a lot about the place in which the photos where taken.

I don't think these two images worked as well as the rest, as I don't think the two images merged together well enough to create an interesting composition. 

The boldness of the building in this image creates a deep look to this photograph which is really effective.

The two images have merged really well to create a good composition and good contrast between the two images.

These two images are effective because they are different from the others which were taken outside although one of the images merges together both indoors and outdoors.

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