Wednesday 11 December 2013

Double Exposure Editing Using Photoshop

Using Photoshop I manipulated these images by layering different images of one subject. To do this I changed the opacity of the images to make them over lap to create double exposure.
This manipulation I really like because it gives the impression of zooming in and out, almost a panoramic view of the arch way. The final outcome to this image worked really well because it is complex to look at as the original image is not obviously seen.

This image is very complex in composion as I used multiple views of the subject matter, which I think works exceptionally well. This was successful because the use of many layers of the same image creates an overall subject matter to the whole area of the image and not just the main obvious subject matter alone as one structure.

This image worked really well as it has good composition and is effective due to the complex manipulations. i like the sense of movement within this picture as the repeat of the same person creates a kind of ghostlike look.

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