Wednesday 11 December 2013

Panoramic Layering (Photography)

Using Photoshop I manipulated many images that I then layered to make a digital panoramic image.

The reason I like this image that i manipulated is because I think that the different images merge well into the main subject of the image and create a unique look. I also like the way the small old building contrasts in style with the main modern building.

I personally like this panoramic image as it is simple yet effective with the use of the same image layered onto one another. i like the arched effect each image gives to the next, this creates an ongoing look to the image.

The reason I like the effect this digital edit has given me is because of the both panoramic and double exposure effect it gives. The contrast between architecture and sculpture i find really interesting, even more so when the two are merged together with the use of effects, this creates a busy scene with lots of content which i think captures the audience.

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